I've been dieing to share this with ya'll since I discovered it a while back.If you are like me you must have tons and tons of nail polish right?? Well if you are also like me you keep getting more right? Sometimes duplicates? Well If you have an IPhone you can solve your organizing problem with the Nail Polish Book.
Here is what it looks like
All you have to do is type in info about the polish, name, brand,shade,and collection name. Obviously you can take pictures of it as well.
Then say you are out somewhere getting more polish(what else would you be getting right?? lol) and you come across a polish you think you may have but you aren't sure all you have to do is a search and if it comes up then you have it. Also it helps if you don't want more of the same shade.
On Itunes it's free Here is the link to it https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/nail-polish-book/id536885449?mt=8
I hope it's as useful to you as it has been for me.
Wow this is such an awesome idea! I definitely need this! Thanks ;)