Friday, October 5, 2012


As my first blog post I suppose I should tell you why I'm doing this and how I got the idea and name for the blog.

One day as I was purchasing my what seemed like my 1000th nail polish online I was wondering what I was going to do with this obsession. I know I'm going to use these polishes eventually. But they may just sit here for weeks, months or in a couple of polishes cases...years. I mostly just go to a professional and get my nails done and sometimes since I have so many I take my own polish, but most times I don't.
I buy these polishes with the intent of doing my own nails but I hardly ever get motivated to do it.
So I've been looking at different nail design blogs(I'll post my favorites later) trying to get some inspiration. I got the idea to do some designs. So I don't lose the motivation to do my own nails I thought I'd do a blog documenting the different designs from time to time. Also I may take pictures of any purchases I make. Maybe post a link or two pertaining to nails. Basically this will be and all nails blog!
I also want to thank my friend Amy for the name idea. I love it because it's about nails and it makes it sound like I'm getting the hang of doing my own nails which is my goal. So thanks Amy!!

So I hope you all have fun reading my blog and maybe get an idea or two. Feel free to leave a comment(good and bad although I'd prefer good;-)).

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