Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Brunch nails

This past weekend I hosted a Pampered Chef party(if you don't know what that is I'll link it at the bottom of this post). Anyway it was a brunch and I had all these breakfast type foods fixed to eat. So I wanted to look a little "festive" so I thought what better way to look festive at a brunch was to paint my nails with different foods, breakfast foods to be specific LOL.

Now I almost didn't do this post cause I'm not thrilled with how they turned out, but like I said about this blog, none of these nail art post will be perfect yet so I would be going against the idea of this blog if I didn't post these pictures.

 On my pinky is a cup of coffee(the white is steam) ring finger is eggs(the only one that came out "perfect"), middle finger is cereal(fruit loops to be specific lol) index finger pancakes(the yellow is a pat of butter LOL and I got a little heavy handed on the black to represent a stack of pancakes), thumb is toast(again the yellow is butter----a little too much butter although Paula Deen would approve :-D). I didn't exactly had the absolute right colors for the toast and pancakes(who would guess I didn't have the right brown as many polishes as I have! haha!!!!!) but I thought two shades of beige might cover it. Oh well I may redo this art again one day when I have the right browns and get better at nail art.
So feel free to tell me what you think. What browns would you suggest for all you nail polish addicts out there?
By the way look for my Halloween nail art soon. I just thought I'd catch up with these first. Hopefully my Halloween nails will be a little better than these:-D



    Hi,I can't find where to follow you, but I want to!

    I gave you an award for commenting on Plump and Polished today to stick up for bullied bloggers

    1. I went to try and find the Google Friend app to put on here but apparently it was discontinued in March of this year, not sure what they have to replace it if anything. I'll keep looking but in the mean time if you have a facebook page I have one for my blog. I'll link to it on the side of this blog so you can follow it there.

      By the way about the Plump and Polished site I was going to go back and reply to the owner's reply back to me and apparently she had taken down my response to her coalition. I guess she didn't like was standing up for those who aren't perfect yet(you know...most people lol). She has now turned it around and saying people took it the wrong way. I read it over and over just to make sure but I still didn't find it funny. Oh well lol

  2. I thought i had the follow on my page. Keeep checking back I'll see what i can do to find it. Yeah I couldn't believe somebody would actually make someone feel bad about how their nails look?? Really? I hope that's the last nail blogger I come across like that. I thought the nail blogger community stuck up for each other. Wow.

  3. Hi
    I see your blog is newish welcome to the nail world haha
    I just wanted you to know your link in the no hate list was not good :)
    youve got
    but you need

    1. Thank you for telling me. I'll see if I can fix it.
