Friday, February 15, 2013

A dilemma

I've been thinking a lot lately about doing videos for my blog(polish hauls, tutorials, box openings-julep, birchbox etc). Here's the thing I have an account on YouTube already that I have used to "favorite" videos , should I put my videos on that potentially letting you see what I've favorited over the years(nothing bad/pornographic I just think it might be boring to some people), or should I create a brand new channel just for my blog? What do you guys think? Leave me a note here. Thanks!!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Mystery polish

I know I haven't been here in a while. No excuses and I hope no one has dropped me from their blog reading list. I don't know when but I will try and post more regular. If anyone knows me outside this blog it might help if you "remind me" I have a blog lol.
Any way I've gotten some polishes lately I'm dying to show you. But the purpose of this post is about another polish set. A few months back I got these mystery polishes by Julep. They sold them as a mystery set. What I thought they meant was I would know the names when I got em. Well I got em and no names were printed on them at all. It wouldn't bother me except that I document them by name on the app I showed ya'll a few months ago. Plus I put them away in alphabetical order. I'm tempted to just make up my own names and do it that way but I really want their proper names if any. Here is the picture of the polishes.

So what do you think? Please leave comments below.